Use the button below to register for classes or enroll in private lessons once you have finalized lesson times with us.
Use the button below to view our parent handbook, tuition details, practicing tips, and more.
Please use the links below to schedule your summer private lessons with your teacher. Scheduling will open on March 11, 2024, at 9:00 a.m.
NOTE: You may schedule your lessons only if you have completed registration for the Summer Session in the NJAOM Registration Portal.
Even if you don’t play an instrument, you are crucial to your child’s success in our program. Establish a daily practice routine (same time, same place in your house), take notes at lessons so you can help your child at home, and follow through on encouragement and reward for milestones reached. If you have questions, be sure to ask your teacher during the lesson so you will know what to do at home.
Consider yourself your child’s “coach” as you practice together.
Parent involvement serves as a support system for the student. Learning an instrument well is a difficult and complex undertaking that can only be done successfully with long-term persistence and dedication. Parents help provide the encouragement and positive reinforcement when practicing gets tough, a skill being worked on requires days or weeks of attention, or a piece just is not sounding as polished as it could be. Parents are there to provide the “Yes you can,” “Don’t give up,” and “Keep trying until it’s right” messages at home. Allowing a child to give up when faced with a challenge only serves to reinforce an attitude toward taking the path of least resistance and only doing what is easy. The discipline, work ethic, commitment to high standards, and artistry developed from learning an instrument well are benefits that last a lifetime.